Admission and Session Times

Church Preen Pre-School caters for children from the ages of 2 years to school age.


We are registered to a maximum of 20 children per session.


The Pre-school aims to keep its costs as low as possible, whilst maintaining the highest level of standards for your children.

Fees are reviewed on an annual basis, and calculated per session.  Please contact us for current fees. We are a 24U  setting  and are able to accept voucher payments from parents via Busy bees etc.

Summer holidays   Monday  24 th July  - 5th September.

Pre-school Session Times

Parent  and Toddler Group Session Times


 10:00am - 11:30am

 The admission price is £3.00 the first child and siblings £1.00, this includes snack.

Wrap around care provided by Church Preen School