SEND Local Offer
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer
How will Church Preen Pre-school know if my child need extra help and what do I need to do if I think my child may have SEND?
At Church Preen Pre-school we treat every child as an individual .When your child comes to Pre-school they are assigned a key person who is responsible for your child’s development and welfare whilst they attend our setting. We use observations and planning for their next steps to help us to identify any areas of concern which we will share with you, and with your consent contact any professionals if we felt it was needed. If you have any concerns about your child you should speak to your child’s key person who will be able to help you further.
How will Church Preen Pre-school support SEND children?
Your child’s key person will work in partnership with you and your child. This relationship will ensure that we can share knowledge concerning your child and their development. Through continual observations we can plan for your child’s individual needs, this may include assessing whether additional support from other agencies may be appropriate. If this is the case we would with your permission contact the relevant agencies for further advice and support and put strategies in place if appropriate.
How will Church Preen Pre-school create learning and development opportunities for individual Children with SEND?
Every child is unique therefore we plan for your child’s development based on observations of your child and their learning journeys. We will ensure that our learning environment and activities provided will be appropriate for your child’s needs and additional support and resources will be used as appropriate.
How does Church Preen Pre-school work in partnership with Parents?
A good relationship between Parents and Staff is really important to us. We hold termly Parent’s meetings and at them you will have a chance to look at your Child’s special books and talk to their key person about how they are progressing and any concerns you may have. If you need to talk to us before then we are available at the start and end of each session, just mention it to a member of staff and we will organise it. Our SENCO Maria Reynolds is also available to speak to you about any concerns or discuss and help implement any strategies or plans that are in place.
How Does Church Preen Pre-school support the wellbeing of young children with SEND?
We offer all children ‘settling in’ visits before they begin which will help your child become familiar with our setting and their key person. This will also enable support to be discussed before your child starts, hopefully ensuring a smoother transition between home and the setting. Care routines can be discussed such as nappy changing and potty training. We are able to administer medicines once the appropriate paper work is completed and are willing to attend specific training regarding medical conditions if needed .
Promoting Positive behaviour is important to us and we will always discuss any behavioural concerns with you to help us maintain a consistent approach between home and setting.
The safety of our children is also very important to us .We make sure that all doors are locked and only release children to a responsible named adult. Notification must be given if they are to be collected by someone other than a named person.
We risk assess our setting every day as we set up and carry out specific risk assessments for equipment and activities and any outings that take place in the community such as walks and trips etc.
What training and experience do the staff at Church Preen Pre-school have in supporting children with SEND?
All staff at Church Preen Pre-school are Paediatric First Aid trained and our forest school leader is has also undergone Forest School First Aid training. We have all undertaken appropriate Safeguarding training and regularly update our policies and procedures. Our SENCO has undertaken SEND training and attends support meetings to keep her up to date with policy.
All staff are regularly updated on all SEND policy and are given advice and guidance as and when needs are identified. All staff are willing to attend training for a specific condition and we have liaised in the past with professionals about allergies and heart conditions.
What specialist services and expertise is available to Church Preen Pre-school?
Our setting has access to advice and guidance from our Shropshire Area SENCO, Health Visitors, Speech and Language Therapists and Children’s Centre Workers.
How does Church Preen Pre-school include young children with SEND in community based activities and outings?
All of our children are included in our walks in the local area and other organised trips. When your child starts at our setting we get Parents to sign to give permission for these local outings. Parental consent is also obtained for other longer outings and any needs will be identified and planned for. Risk assessments are completed for trips and mobile phone and first aid kits are always taken with us.
How accessible is Church Preen Pre-school?
The pre-school is all on one level and is accessed by a ramp and wide wheel chair friendly doors we also have the use of a disabled toilet and changing area. Our outside area is also on one level but would have to be accessed via the outside ramp and side gate. We will work with Parents to access any specialist equipment that may be needed and have a visual timetable that outlines our daily routines.
How will Church Preen Pre-school prepare and support my child to join the pre-school or transfer to a new setting or school?
Before your child joins our Pre-school we will offer you and your child several opportunities to come and play with us .This enables your child to get use to the environment and meet their key person and you the chance to discuss any concerns you may have.
If your child attends more than one setting or is moving to another setting we will share, with your permission your child’s development records with them.
We have good links with our local primary school and visit them regularly so that our children become familiar with the staff and environment they will be moving into thus making the transition to school much easier.
How are Church Preen Pre-school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
As we are a registered charity we have limited funds available to us however we would with the support from our local authority SENCO try to borrow the appropriate resources. We also ensure that our staff receive any specific training they may need.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The manager/SENCO will work closely with you and other professionals to determine your child’s needs. As a staff we regularly discuss the needs of our children and the ways we can support them. Your child’s key person will also be able to identify any additional support they may need through the observation process and Individual Educational Plans will be made as necessary.
How are Parents involved at Church Preen Pre-school? How can I be involved?
We are a committee run pre-school therefore every parent is encouraged to become a member of our committee and have a say in their child’s education. We have good relationships with our Parents and encourage them to speak to us at any time. We have home/school link books for sharing any important information and have termly parent meetings and newsletters.
Who can I contact for further information?
All policies and procedures are available for our Parents to read in the foyer of our preschool or upon request. If you wish to register your child or discuss your child prior to starting please contact the Pre-school leader Maria on 01694 771797 or drop in to see us during our sessions.